Problem number 1

In my recent publication ‘The modern Consumer, cause and remedy for the ecological crisis‘, I describe a method of categorising problems. There are masses of problems in the world and many are urgent. A list of major problems counts tens of thousands of issues.
Not all problems can get the attention they might deserve and certain topics should be given higher priority. I show a way to identify and select the really big and urgent problems. The result of the evaluation are ecological problems: ‘climate’, ‘biodiversity’ and ‘poisoning of the environment’. The reasoning for these are described in detail.
Yet one problem stands out above all others because of its size, severity and future development. According to science, we, 5 billion consumers, have only about 6 years left to collectively tackle the causes of the problem. That will certainly not solve it, but the greatest damage can be avoided. I therefore categorise this issue as ‘out-of-category’.
As long as this problem is seen as ‘one of many’ and is not given the absolute priority needed to keep it manageable, we are heading for a disaster of unprecedented proportions, the consequences of which will mainly affect our children and grandchildren.







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