Our individual behaviors are pivotal in creating a better shared future,
one with fresh air to breathe, clean water to drink, and a stable climate to live in.Ecochallenge.org
one with fresh air to breathe, clean water to drink, and a stable climate to live in.Ecochallenge.org
Het vergt lef om de klimaatwerkelijkheid onder ogen te zien
Dr. Bianca Harmsvolkskrant.nl/columns-opinie/het-vergt-lef-om-de-klimaatwerkelijkheid-onder-ogen-te-zien~bfeece9d/
Dr. Bianca Harmsvolkskrant.nl/columns-opinie/het-vergt-lef-om-de-klimaatwerkelijkheid-onder-ogen-te-zien~bfeece9d/
We have too much advertising in too many places in our lives, and that advertising is endorsing and normalising a set of cultural values that are deeply unhelpful to our society.Jon Alexander
First thoughts #1: I am not (just) a Consumer | The New Citizenship Project Blog newcitizenshipproject.wordpress.com/2013/09/02/first-thoughts-1-i-am-not-just-a-consumer/
First thoughts #1: I am not (just) a Consumer | The New Citizenship Project Blog newcitizenshipproject.wordpress.com/2013/09/02/first-thoughts-1-i-am-not-just-a-consumer/
We have a perpetual desire to buy more and more to fill our lives. All the while, our lives become more empty.Sean Youra
We are in a full blown Climate CrisisPeter du Toit