

It is important that we develop a shared understanding of the basic science and impacts of climate change, to make sense of our actions and policy options going forward.Sherry Listgarten
A “high” standard of living — one with private vehicles, air travel, on-demand goods, limitless computing power, nutritious food and constant amusement — is energy and emissions consultant and university professor Wal van Lierop
There’s so much in our lives that we consume, because we want to consume it not because we need to consume it.Chip Colwell
no matter where we live,
climate change is already affecting us today
Katharine Hayhoe
The problem is that we do not often see the true ugliness of the consumer economy and so are not compelled to do much about it.
The distance between shopping malls and their associated mines, wells, corporate farms, factories, toxic dumps, and landfills, sometimes half a world away, dampens our perceptions that something is fundamentally wrong.
David Orr
Orr, David. 1999. “The Ecology of Giving and Consuming,” in Consuming Desires: Consumption, Culture, and the Pursuit of Happiness (Roger Rosenblatt, editor). Island Press, Washington, DC
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