

As a firefighter, I’m usually called to the scene when it’s far to late for prevention
and all that’s left is a vague hope for damage control.
We do what is neccessary under great personal risk for our health and life, not knowing if it’s even possible to change the outcome.
I feel the same calling from the climate crisis right now!
Chemist and firefighter Mark
We used to think that the farther you went from home was what made a good vacation. Now we know that it’s really more about the journey.Steve Schmidt
People simply don’t want to read how dire the situation is
without some hope that we can still avert disaster
Remi Charron
The transition to a sustainable society is one of the greatest challenges of our timeThe Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets
Willen we onze kinderen en kleinkinderen beschermen tegen de gevaren van klimaatverandering dan moeten we zo snel mogelijk af van fossiele brandstoffen.Prof. dr. Martijn Katan
NRC 2023-09 – Waarom ik deze zaterdag de A12 ga blokkeren
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