

Despite decades of ever more urgent warnings, humanity is failing to address the climate crisisAstronomer and climate activist Bernadette Rodgers
I am sick and tired of the never ending expectation of consumption. The message is tirelessly beat into our heads. Buy buy buy! Consume!
There’s no regard for the environment and no regard for humanity. It’s the unrealistic demands of never ending growth.
House Panther[email protected]/111697671547955970
Zonder begrip van de materie bij de bevolking zal er geen draagvlak ontstaan voor het klimaatbeleid, en zal ook de noodzakelijke gedragsverandering van de consument uitblijven.Manifest: een leefbare wereld voor onze kleinkinderen |
Climate change, despite its outsized impact on the planet, is still an abstract concept to many of us. That needs to changeSherry Listgarten
Recycling is a scam meant to give consumers the illusion of being environmentally responsible without having to change their lifestyles.IT-specialist John Meadows
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