

As a firefighter, I’m usually called to the scene when it’s far to late for prevention
and all that’s left is a vague hope for damage control.
We do what is neccessary under great personal risk for our health and life, not knowing if it’s even possible to change the outcome.
I feel the same calling from the climate crisis right now!
Chemist and firefighter Mark
We have done more damage to the environment in the last 50 years than in the previous 200, of ‘World Wide Waste’ Gerry McGovern
People simply don’t want to read how dire the situation is
without some hope that we can still avert disaster
Remi Charron
The currently prevailing focus on cleaning the supply side needs to be complemented with demand-side measures.former European commissioner Janez Potočnik
The marketing industry convincing us that we can only be beautiful, happy, young, that we can only have friends, if we consume the right things.Chip Colwell
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