

Remember when we got out of school at 5 PM and we wouldn’t hear from our teachers until the next morning? That freedom no longer exists for our kids. Schools — from teachers to group mates, from gossip to bullies — now have access to our kids 24/7. Just like our work often does. And, that’s pretty bad.Benito Vergara
How is large-scale change made, if not from an accumulation of smaller changes?Sherry Listgarten
Willen we onze kinderen en kleinkinderen beschermen tegen de gevaren van klimaatverandering dan moeten we zo snel mogelijk af van fossiele brandstoffen.Prof. dr. Martijn Katan
NRC 2023-09 – Waarom ik deze zaterdag de A12 ga blokkeren
Every day we make choices in our lives that affect the environment, the climate and other species. From what we eat to how many children we decide to have, there’s a lot we can do.12 Ways to Live More Sustainably |
We need a complete change of mindset.Dr. Diana Ivanova
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